Sun | Rydberg room @ Department of Physics | Stadshallen | ||
chair: Chris Jacobsen | ||||
08:50 | Welcome Martin Bech |
09:00 | The MAX IV 3 GeV ring and the MAX 4U upgrade project by Pedro Tavares |
09:30 | How a ring upgrade affects an undulator beamline? by Konstantin Klementiev |
chair: Ulrich Vogt | ||||
09:50 | A perfect match: Diffraction limited sources and multilayer Laue lenses by Saša Bajt |
10:20 | Diffractive optics for 4th generation synchrotron sources by Joan Vila-Comamala |
10:40 | Coffee | |||
chair: Zhentian Wang | ||||
11:00 | Detector upgrades for upgraded light sources: challenges and new developments for SLS2.0 by Anna Bergamanschi |
11:30 | Advanced detectors and data pipelines for next generation light sources by Sascha Grimm |
chair: Rajmund Mokso | ||||
11:50 | Data reduction activities at European XFEL: early results by Thomas Michelat |
12:20 | Real-Time Phase-Retrieval – Numerics Revisited by Markus Osterhoff |
12:40 | Lunch | |||
chair: tba | ||||
14:00 | X-ray nanoimaging with 4th generation sources: can we scale it up to centimeter-size samples? by Chris Jacobsen |
14:30 | In Situ and Operando Experiments at Sirius: Outcomes From Multiples Beamlines by Itamar Neckel |
14:50 | Application of coherent scattering at the ESRF EBS – progress and challenges by Yuriy Chushkin |
15:10 | Coffee | |||
chair: Imke Greving | ||||
15:30 | Taming the beast: How TOMCAT will harness the power of the new source for two beamlines at SLS2.0 by Christian Schlepuetz |
16:00 | Hard x-ray nanoprobe: challenges and opportunities with diffraction-limited storage rings by Hanfei Yan |
16:30 | Workshop Closing Remarks Martin Bech |
16:40 | ||||
17:30 | Welcome Reception at the conference venue |
20:00 |
Mon | Konsertsalen | Amfi | ||
chair: Karina Thånell & Maik Kahnt | ||||
09:00 | Opening by Karina Thånell & Maik Kahnt |
09:30 Mon01K |
Characterization of Just One Atom using Synchrotron X-rays (invited) by Volker Rose |
10:00 Mon02K |
Extended depth-of-field X-ray tomography at 4 nm resolution by Tomas Aidukas |
10:20 Mon03K |
Synchrotron X-ray beam motion by electron source position scanning by Nick Phillips |
10:40 | Coffee | |||
chair: Martin Bech | chair: Rajmund Mokso | |||
11:00 Mon04K |
Impact of osteosarcoma cells differentiation on biomineralization and mitochondrial morphology through cryo-XANES and cryo-STX by Francesca Rossi |
11:00 Mon04A |
Gigapixel X-ray Spectromicroscopy Data Analysis by Clustering by Yusei Ito |
11:30 Mon05K |
Fragmentation of hunting bullets observed with synchrotron radiation: Lighting up the source of a lesser-known lead exposure pathway by Adam Leontowich |
11:30 Mon05A |
Physics-inspired deep learning approaches for 2D, 3D, and 4D X-ray imaging by Yuhe Zhang (nominated for WMI award) |
11:50 Mon06K |
Rapid hyperspectral mapping à la Balder beamline by Kajsa Sigfridsson Clauss |
11:50 Mon06A |
X-ray ptychographic and fluorescence microscopy using virtual single-pixel imaging based deconvolution by Masaki Abe |
12:10 Mon07K |
Laboratory X-ray transmission microscopic imaging of 3D nanostructures of microchips in the photon energy range between 8 keV and 24 keV by Kristina Kutukova (nominated for WMI award) |
12:10 Mon07A |
Towards ptycho(tomo)graphy with a hyperspectral detector by Wiebe Stolp |
12:30 | Lunch | |||
chair: Kaye Morgan | chair: Ulrich Vogt | |||
13:40 Mon08K |
Dark Field X-ray Microscopy (invited) by Henning Friis Poulsen |
13:40 Mon08A |
Near-field X-ray ptychography: towards laboratory X-ray sources by Tomas Parkman |
14:10 Mon09K |
Advancements in X-ray speckle-based imaging across time and length scales by Marie-Christine Zdora |
14:10 Mon09A |
Material-specific XUV coherence tomography driven by high harmonic generation by Silvio Fuchs |
14:30 Mon10K |
Dark field x-ray imaging at the femtosecond using a laser driven x-ray source by Silvia Cipiccia |
14:30 Mon10A |
An Achromatic Laboratory Full-Field Transmission X-ray Microscope by Di Qu |
14:50 Mon11K |
Speckle-based tensor tomography: a versatile full-field dark-field signal extraction method for tomographic reconstructions by Ginevra Lautizi |
14:50 Mon11A |
X-ray nano-tomography at high acceleration voltages for highly attenuating samples in electronics inspection and battery research by Till Dreier |
15:10 Mon12K |
Rapid dark-field X-ray imaging using intrinsic speckle-tracking by Samantha Alloo (nominated for WMI award) |
15:10 Mon12A |
Rapid measurement of the fiber texture of materials using conventional X-ray sources under polychromatic condition by Wenjie Yu |
15:30 | Coffee | |||
16:15 | Microscopy at Axilon – From STXM to Ptychoprobe by Urs Wiesemann (Sponsor Intro – Axilon) |
16:30 | Poster Slam presentations by the competitors for the poster prize chaired by Urs Wiesemann |
17:00 | Poster Session A on the lower floor of Lund Stadshallen |
19:00 |
Tue | Konsertsalen | Amfi | ||
chair: Saša Bajt | ||||
09:00 Tue01K |
Attosecond science (keynote) by Anne L’Hullier |
09:45 Tue02K |
X-ray imaging of cavitation dynamics with free-electron laser pulses by Hannes Hoeppe |
10:05 Tue03K |
XFEL single-pulse time-resolved imaging of ultrafast melting in Au nanorod by Eunyoung Park |
10:25 |
DECTRIS SELUN Launch (sponsor) by Sascha Grimm |
10:55 | Coffee | |||
chair: Konstantin Klementiev | chair: Geradina Carbone | |||
11:15 Tue04K |
Ultra-intense XFEL 7 nm focusing with advanced KB mirror (invited) by Jumpei Yamada |
11:15 Tue04A |
Nanoscale sub nanosecond spatio-temporal imaging of structure and dynamics through full field hard x-ray diffraction microscopy by Tobias Schulli |
11:45 Tue05K |
Ultracompact Kirkpatrick-Baez mirror for forming 20-nm achromatic soft-X-ray focus toward multimodal and multicolor analyses by Takenori Shimamura (nominated for WMI award) |
11:45 Tue05A |
Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Lipid Vesicles and Synaptic Vesicles by Femtosecond X-ray FEL pulses by Charlotte Neuhaus |
12:05 Tue06K |
Advances in X-ray Waveguide Optics for Nano- Holography by Tim Salditt |
12:05 Tue06A |
Coherent diffractive imaging of ferroic nanomaterials by Tim Butcher |
12:25 Tue07K |
High sensitive X-ray polarization microscopy by Berit Marx-Glowna |
12:25 Tue07A |
Revealing the Full Strain Tensor for Semiconductor Technology by Cedric Corley-Wiciak (nominated for WMI award) |
12:45 | Lunch** ** during the lunch break there will be presentations by speakers nominated for the WMI award |
chair: Karina Thånell & Maik Kahnt | ||||
12:55 Tue09K |
The Alvarez-Macovski Model and X-ray Computed Tomography by Carl (Qiheng) Yang (nominated for WMI award) |
13:15 Tue10K |
Synchrotron X-ray Studies of Allotropic Phase Transformation and Atomic Diffusion under Electron Current Stressing by Pei-Tzu Lee (nominated for WMI award) |
13:35 Tue08K |
In Situ Studies of Copper-based Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction by STXM and X-ray Spectro-Ptychography by Chunyang Zhang (via Zoom) |
chair: Tim Saldit | chair: Filipe Maja | |||
14:00 Tue11K |
Multi-modal, multi-scale x-ray imaging of bone and biominerals (invited) by Tilman A. Grünewald |
14:00 Tue11A |
Multimodal x-ray nano-tomography: achieving three-dimensional imaging of elemental, chemical, and morphological distributions with fast speed by Hanfei Yan |
14:30 Tue12K |
Revealing sound-induced motion patterns in auditory systems with retrospectively gated time-resolved X-ray microtomography by Christian Schlepütz |
14:30 Tue12A |
Nanotomography reveals mesoscale topological defects that support long-range order in self-assembly networks by Dmitry Karpov |
14:50 Tue13K |
Investigating the relation between microstructure and mechanical response in the meniscus by in situ loading and synchrotron phase contrast tomography by Maria Pierantoni |
14:50 Tue13A |
Millisecond temporal resolution X-ray computed tomography to investigate interfacial fluctuations in multiphase flow by Mukul Jaiswal |
15:10 Tue14K |
Observation of mammalian living cells by a femtosecond single pulse exposure using a transmission microscope with a soft X-ray free electron laser and Wolter mirrors by Satoru Egawa |
15:10 Tue14A |
Neuromorphic X-ray imaging by Hongjian Wang |
15:30 Tue15K |
High content volumetric histology with subcellular resolution using a laboratory-based x-ray microscope by Alessandro Olivo |
15:30 Tue15A |
Dual-Beam X-ray Nano Holotomography by Silja Flenner |
15:50 | Coffee | |||
16:15 | 30 Years of Silson by Peter Anastasi (Sponsor Intro – Silson) |
16:30 | Poster Slam presentations by the competitors for the poster prize chaired by Peter Anastasi |
17:00 | Poster Session B on the lower floor of Lund Stadshallen |
19:00 |
Wed | Konsertsalen | Amfi | ||
chair: Volker Rose | chair: Claire Donelly | |||
09:00 Wed01K |
Imaging nanocrystals using in situ Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (invited) by Marie-Ingrid Richard |
09:00 Wed01A |
Soft X-ray phase nano-microscopy of micrometre-thick magnets by Jeffrey Neethirajan |
09:30 Wed02K |
In-situ observation of lithium plating and stripping by synchrotron-based soft X-ray microscopy by Xu Ding |
09:30 Wed02A |
High-speed, high-resolution, and material-specific EUV ptychography by Wilhelm Eschen (nominated for WMI award) |
09:50 Wed03K |
The Hard X-ray In-situ Nanoprobe Beamline at APS: Enabling Multimodal, In-situ and Operando Studies of Energy Materials by Sarah Wieghold |
09:50 Wed03A |
A new decomposing algorithm for X-ray absorption spectro-microscopy by Christoph Pratsch |
10:10 | Coffee | |||
chair: Henning Friis-Poulsen | chair: Jian Wang | |||
10:30 Wed04K |
X-ray phase and dark-field imaging: Biomedical applications motivating novel imaging approaches (invited) by Kaye Morgan |
10:30 Wed04A |
The capabilities of XEOL, TR-XEOL, and HB-T interferometer of TPS 23A X-ray nanoprobe beamline by Bi-Hsuan Lin |
11:00 Wed05K |
3D-Imaging of synapses in nervous tissues using X-ray ptychography by Ana Diaz |
11:00 Wed05A |
Dose-efficient propagation-based X-ray phase contrast imaging at high and low resolution by Bragg crystal optics by Rebecca Spiecker (nominated for WMI award) |
11:20 Wed06K |
X-ray phase contrast tomography of human organoids: from laboratory to synchrotron source by Jette Alfken |
11:20 Wed06A |
Nanoscale spectromicroscopy in the tender X-ray regime enabled by a novel multilayer-based grating monochromator by Stephan Werner |
11:40 Wed07K |
From protein aggregates to intact organs: 3D tissue characterization across scales by X-ray phase-contrast tomography by Jakob Reichmann (nominated for WMI award) |
11:40 Wed07A |
Development of Soft X-ray Full-Field Microscopy for High-Speed Spectroscopic Imaging by Kyota Yoshinaga |
12:00 | Lunch | |||
chair: Pablo Villanueva-Perez | chair: Juergen Thieme | |||
13:00 Wed08K |
Stereoscopic hard X-ray ptychography by Sina Röper |
13:00 Wed08A |
Recent Investigations in Environmental Science at TwinMic Beamline by Valentina Bonanni |
13:20 Wed09K |
XMPI – Rotation-free multi-projection imaging by Eleni Myrto Asimakopoulou |
13:20 Wed09A |
Multiscale tomography applied to topics in soil and plant sciences: first commissioning experiments at the MOGNO beamline by Talita Ferreira |
13:40 Wed10K |
Current development status of multibeam Ptychography up to 20keV: Opportunities and Challenges by Mikhail Lyubomirskiy |
13:40 Wed10A |
Nano-tomography for in vivo sub-cellular plant physiology by Emil Visby Østergaard |
1. Vikings: Buses starting from Lund center at 15:00 2. Beer tasting: starting 15:00 at Lundabryggeriets Ölkällare 3. DIY Excursions Lund / Malmö |
Thu | Konsertsalen | Amfi | ||
chair: Christian David | chair: Jesper Wallentin | |||
09:00 Thu01K |
Achromatic and Apochromatic X-ray Lenses by Joan Vila-Comamala |
09:00 Thu01A |
Chasing ion migration with soft and hard x-rays: Vapor deposited metal halide Perovskite films under electrical stress by Sufal Swaraj |
09:30 Thu02K |
Optimisation of Aspect-Ratio-Limited Zone Plates by Martin de Jonge |
09:30 Thu02A |
Beam Damage and Mitigation in Metal Halide Perovskites under High Brilliance X-ray Photon Sources by Hélio Tolentino |
09:50 Thu03K |
Adaptive multi-beam ptychography by Mattias Åstrand |
09:50 Thu03A |
Probing Defects and Stability in Halide Perovskite Solar Cells with Multimodal Correlative Microscopy by Kyle Frohna (nominated for WMI award) |
10:10 | Coffee | |||
chair: Chris Jacobsen | ||||
10:30 Thu04K |
Molecule-scale resolution and dynamics in fluorescence microscopy (keynote) by Stefan Hell |
11:30 Thu05K |
3D characterization of Gleason grades in prostate carcinoma by X-ray nano-holotomography by Marina Eckermann |
11:50 Thu06K |
Combined fluorescence and soft X-ray microscopy of intracellular membranes in neurodegenerative diseases by Daniel Wüstner |
12:10 | XRM 2028 pitch? | |||
12:20 | Conference photo | |||
12:30 | Lunch | |||
chair: Jörg Raabe | chair: Kajsa Siegfridsson Clauss | |||
13:30 Thu07K |
Three Dimensional Magnetisation and Orientation Fields revealed with Dichroic Ptychographic Tomography (invited) by Claire Donnelly |
13:30 Thu07A |
Advances towards cryo correlative Light-X-ray Tomography (CLXT) at the Mistral beamline by Eva Pereiro |
14:00 Thu08K |
Coherent soft-X-ray Imaging of Fluctuations and Disorder in Magnetic Thin Films by Bastian Pfau |
14:00 Thu08A |
Correlative cryo soft x-ray tomography and fluorescent microscopy of biological samples in the laboratory by Sergey Kapishnikov |
14:20 Thu09K |
3D Imaging of Magnetic Domains in Nd2Fe14B using Scanning Hard X-Ray Nanotomography by Joerg Strempfer |
14:20 Thu09A |
Nanoscopic XRF analysis to elucidate the role of eco-corona on the mixture ecotoxicity of graphene oxide and copper in the Daphnia model for advanced water research by Carlos Pérez |
14:40 | Coffee | |||
15:00 | Poster Slam presentations by the competitors for the poster prize chaired by Michael Feser |
15:30 | Poster Session C on the lower floor of Lund Stadshallen |
17:30 | ||||
18:30- 22:00 |
Conference Dinner at Moriska Paviljongen in Malmö Buses leaving between 17:45 and 18:00 from Lund city center |
Fri | Konsertsalen | Amfi | ||
chair: Martin de Jonge | ||||
09:30 | WMI and Poster Awards by Juergen Thieme & Michael Feser |
10:00 Fri01K |
Multimodal hierarchical imaging on the structure of narwhal tusk by Adrian Rodriguez-Palomo |
10:20 Fri02K |
Metals in plant-pathogen interactions: a suit of armour or a knife in the back? by Meg Willans |
10:40 | Coffee | |||
chair: Karina Thånell & Maik Kahnt | ||||
11:10 Fri03K |
Investigating magnetic domains in Ni2MnGa films through STXM- XMCD by Itamar Neckel |
11:30 | Update on XRM 2026 by Hélio C. N. Tolentino |
11:45 | Summary by Eva Pereiro & Henry Chapman |
12:15 | Closing Remarks by Karina Thånell & Maik Kahnt |
12:30 | Lunch | |||
13:15 | MAX IV Lab Tour 1 Buses leaving at 13:15 from Lund city center; approx. tour end: 14:30 Note: make your own way back via tram |
14:30 | MAX IV Lab Tour 2 Buses leaving at 14:30 from Lund city center; approx. tour end: 15:45 Note: make your own way back via tram |
16:00 | End |